GUITAR NOUVEAU EXHIBITION – MUSEUM OF MAKING MUSIC – CARLSBAD, CA – October 15th, 2010 through January 31st, 2011

This 14 series guitars called Nouveau, is the brainchild of Steve Klein’s biographer Paul W. Schmidt and Luthier Michael Spalt, himself a fan and admirer of Steve Klein. The guitars were fashioned based on the acoustic model Klein L-39.6 size.

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The one that started it all… This is the prototype for the Nouveau Series, a original Klein neck, bridge, bits and pieces from Steve Klein’s shop for the last 35 years went into making this guitar.

2010 October 15, 2011 January 31a

Memorabilia above is from the Archive of Klein Community Vault.


Learn more about Luthier Michael Spalt and the creation of the Nouveau Guitars Series.

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Learn more about Paul Schmidt and the creation of the Nouveau Guitars Series documented in the book The Nouveau Guitar Series


Video of Paul Schmidt talking how the Nouveau Series came about: